Kung Fu, like Tai Chi, is an ancient form of Martial Arts that’s used by many for the health benefits. However, while Tai Chi is good for weight loss and stress reduction, Kung Fu is good for that too, but they’re done at different paces, and it’s very useful for blood circulation and your immune system. Not to mention how kung fu is a good way to build self-esteem and confidence, carrying over into everyday life.
At the Martial Arts Center for Health it’s taught for the health benefits.
However, that doesn’t mean we don’t gain anything more out of it, like self-defense skills. Or even the feeling of accomplishment when you complete a new form from memory. With the Martial Arts Center for Health we like to see the whole picture, and know what we’re getting out of every single movement we do. With both Tai Chi and Kung Fu, there’s a reason for every movement, but all customizable to every individual person. What’s so unique with Martial Arts is that each movement has both a health benefit and a self-defense application. We work with you within your comfort zone, and teach non-combatively.
These forms of Martial Arts have an impact on every part of us. From down at the molecular level with blood-flow and circulation, to our largest muscles and overall mentality. The Martial Arts Center for Health offers a free private lesson and demonstration, or just demonstration for everyone, just give us a call.