A complete system proven to give your body what it needs to improve your health and wellness. Society is going through a time where individuals need to take their health into their own hands. No one wants to spend their life trying to fix a broken body as the aging process occurs. We believe one must work with nature not against it and accept the aging process, not fear it.
Tai Chi
Kung Fu
Musical Qigong

We aim to give you the tools to build life from within, unblock stagnate energy, prevent disease, imbalances, and correct health issues. Our methods are designed to allow you to work first with your body, then harness the strength of your mind which allows you to see you are capable of more.
Tai Chi
Kung Fu
Musical Qigong
Ready to invest in yourself? Looking to develop your mind, body, and spirit or address pain? The Martial Arts Center for Health meets you where you are. We offer group classes with individualized attention. Our programs combine effective movements for complete wellness—mind, body, and spirit. With proper rest, diet, and movement, we help improve your glandular, fascial, and nervous systems. You’ll experience increased joint function, bone density, and full range of motion.
We equip you to build life from within, unblock energy, and prevent imbalances. Our methods strengthen your body and mind, helping you grow with optimism, not struggle. Our proven techniques, focusing on detail and posture, deliver immediate results. Whether you’re young or old, any body type or skill level, we tailor movements for maximum benefit.
Tai Chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.” Tai Chi is said to unblock and encourage the proper flow of (QI= energy). As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention — as in some kinds of meditation — on your bodily sensations. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from surgery. We link poses to the breath to reveal body awareness, inner strength, and gentle opening. We practice lowering your heart rate in breath work to manage stress, improve immune function, and increase circulation and blood flow.

Kung Fu is not new. In fact it is ancient. When people think about Kung Fu they often picture high kicks or acrobatic forms but that is only one aspect of Kung Fu. There are also many styles of Kung Fu that are low impact. An example is Tai Chi which is one of the soft or internal styles of Kung Fu. Such internal arts are very popular throughout the world because they keep your interest as you learn new material and provide you with many significant health benefits. The health benefits include increased flexibility, conditioning and strength while reducing the risk and incidence of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression and anxiety. Your metabolic rate stays high and you remain energized and engaged as you create core strength. Kung Fu also improves posture, range of motion and joint health while creating a strong focused mind. It is a great alternative to yoga.

Type A personality and workaholic lifestyle? Open your mind to meditation. Studies show that meditation not only lowers blood pressure but also can amp up your immune system while improving your ability to concentrate. Integrate conscious relaxation through a variety of accessible meditation techniques. The enhancement of breathing life force throughout the entire human organism enhances dormant parts of the brain. We teach breathing techniques that help you find deep levels of relaxation, concentration and self-awareness. This is a powerful practice where the body and mind are liberated from their tensions and stresses.

We teach practical self-defense in a safe, non-competitive environment. We believe that 90% of self-defense is about awareness, risk reduction, and avoiding confrontation, while only 10% is physical. By focusing on both mental and physical preparedness, we provide individuals with the confidence they need in their daily lives. Our training also improves cardiovascular endurance for heart health, enhances balance, flexibility, and coordination, and increases speed, strength, and power for maximum results.


Leg strength, upper body conditioning, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous system, immune system function are all health benefits received from Bagua practice. No matter what circle walking technique is utilized, if the practitioner is relaxed, the body is aligned properly and the intention is focused, positive results in the physical, mental, and spiritual realm will follow. Meditative practice, Qi development practice, and/or physical development practice. The Bagua purist will be concerned with development in all three of these areas in training the complete art.
This is a proven meditation technique which helps to quiet the mind, improve the function of organs, build energy while reducing stress and improves overall health and well being. Qigong techniques combine gentle physical movements, calming breathing techniques and purposeful visualization. Healing music is played and the vibration resonates with the cells of the body creating a powerful healing combination. This takes place in a welcoming peaceful, loving environment and can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from surgery. We incorporate qigong into our group classes and hold a dedicated meditation and breathing class Friday nights. The Friday night class is open to the community free of charge.