Featured Review

Martial Arts Center for Health Review Participants

Featured Review

Martial Arts Center for Health Review Participants

“Martial Arts Center for Health is not about tournaments & trophies.. It’s about each student intentionally challenging themselves yet listening to their bodies. We are all built differently and our body’s perform differently. This program is helping me to love, appreciate, push, and respect my body for all its own uniqueness. And I am so grateful to be a student of this amazing place!”

- Mark D

“I see nothing but gains in the last several years so why would I want to stop? I have better physical health improved mental well-being and have become part of a community that is welcoming, inclusive, and diverse. Most of all, it brings me JOY.”

-Jennifer H


Take a look at some of the wonderful Google reviews from customers like you! We’re proud to share their experiences with us, giving you an inside look at what people really love about Martial Arts Center for Health. From the health benefits of MACH to the personalized, friendly service we strive for every day, these reviews speak to the heart of who we are. We hope reading their feedback helps you get a better sense of what to expect when you choose us.

We’re excited to welcome you and give you a great experience too!


Just like with Google, our Facebook reviews highlight the experiences of customers who have chosen us and shared their feedback. These reviews showcase even more stories about the great service and products we’ve provided. We’re excited to share them with you so you can see how others have enjoyed their time with us. Feel free to browse through and discover why so many people love connecting with us on Facebook!


Medical Professionals

As a student at the Martial Arts Center for Health, I am able to appreciate the benefits from both a personal and a professional perspective. As a patient who most physicians have essentially told they could do nothing more to help, I had become very frustrated and exhausted from daily chronic pain.
Since starting my training I have noticed a significant improvement in both my overall physical strength and emotional well being. As a physician, I ask patients everyday to remove stress from their life and become more physically active—many frequently not having a clear “prescription” or plan that will fit their busy schedules or match their physical capabilities. The Martial Arts Center for Health is a place where I can refer my patients and know they will leave both physically and psychologically better than when they started.
Jennifer G. MD

I have attended the Martial Arts Center for Health for about 10 years. I am an allopathic trained physician and Medical Director of a local medical entity. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have had this condition since I was in my mid 20’s. I was introduced to [Martial Arts Center for Health] by a friend, but at first I didn’t go because I thought that I could never do martial arts with my condition, and further, it might be destructive to my joints
I eventually did give it a chance and it is one of the best decisions I’ve made. I have gained in range of motion of some of the joints more severely affected by the condition, and 10 years later I am much stronger, with better balance and flexibility than I had when I started. The instructors take the time to modify the movements depending on what is happening to your body that day (as long as you tell them). They push you to greater strength as you are able, and ask you to decrease your effort depending on the day, your level of fitness, and your situation.
My sons have also gone to the [center] for about 10 years. They are now adults, but over the years and in conversation with my sons I’ve seen how the same movements have worked in curiously different ways for two individuals with very different personalities. The introvert gained more confidence, and the extrovert was able to look inward a bit more. I highly recommend this practice and this community to everyone without reservation. There is a great diversity of people here in age, personality, level of physical activity, and the movements are adapted to all.
Ronald R., MD

Medical Specialists

I am a physician who specializes in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine. I’m a 55 year old woman who has trained at the Martial Arts Center for Health for 10 years. Initially I went to support a dear friend who was undertaking the challenge of first degree black belt. I couldn’t believe what this 51 year old woman could do. After talking with the instructors I felt this might be a place I could start to return to my body…I tried the gym, roller blading, swimming, biking but would always get board.

In my 40’s I started to go to MACH classes. This was one year after a back surgery. I always felt like I got individual attention and the instructors helped modify what we were doing to help my back get strong and not hurt. Within a year my back could meet every challenge given.

Over the years I’ve been at the school, the instructors helped me through a couple of injuries and medical conditions. I feel like the help I got was a wonderful continuation of what traditional, alternative and physical therapy could offer…

Martial Arts Center for Health is a friendly place where I can be challenged physically and keep my busy mind focused on nothing but what we are doing in class. It is the perfect stress release. No matter how tired or stressed I am when I push myself to show up, I have always felt relaxed, calm and more energized when I leave. I never feel out of place and it is wonderful to move and laugh. I never run into the “gym talk” of weight, diets or what extreme thing I should do to look a certain way my body will never be. I hear positive encouragement to be strong, focused and relaxed in my body. I feel better about myself than I ever have before no matter what activities I have tried in the past.

The Martial Arts Center for Health training has helped me help my patients in yet a different way. The philosophy presented dove tails beautifully with my Osteopathic training. It has given me an added dimension of how to help patients recover, strengthen and de-stress. I encourage patients to try Martial Arts Center for Health. Many of the patients who have gone are still students. I feel the martial arts training makes healthier people who need my services less. This is a great gift. I wish more of my patients would reap the benefits of what the Martial Arts Center for Health has to offer.

Laura Rampil, DO

Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine

Mental Health Professionals

I am a 60-year-old psychiatrist who has been active and interested in physical fitness my whole life. I was referred to the Martial Arts Center for Health by a physician friend who noted my poor flexibility and posture when I consulted her regarding treatment of chronic shoulder pain. In the first 6 months of coming to the Martial Arts Center for Health, I experienced markedly improved flexibility, coordination, balance, and physical strength beyond what I’d been able to attain in the past which is continuing to improve 5 1/2 years later.

In my line of work, I am exposed to the stress of others and large doses of negativity daily. The program has enhanced my own stress tolerance, making it truly a mind-body experience that impacts multiple facets of life. Also important to me is the sense of community among the students whose goal is also to improve their bodies and minds.

Jeff K. DO


Lighter, cleansed, open…I cannot quite find the right word to describe that feeling of letting go that I experience at the end of each class. While I originally started Martial Arts Center for Health in order to increase my strength, balance, and coordination (and Kung Fu seemed pretty intriguing for a 45-year-old), I have found a sense of presence and rejuvenation that has carried over into my personal and professional life as a mental health therapist. I frequently refer my own clients to come here because I have confidence and hope that they can experience a deeper growth in this environment than therapy alone can provide. I do not always know what I need or they need, but I do know that the intersection of community, intentional movement, improved physical functioning, and personalized care leaves me feeling more at peace (that’s the word!). I discovered Martial Arts Center for Health through my daughter’s wonderful teacher who recommended the kids program because it is so effective at building confidence, attention, strength, and focus. So, every Saturday morning the two of us stroll into the center in matching uniforms knowing we will be challenged, empowered, and will definitely laugh.

Rachel Everett


Alternative Treatment Professionals

In the first five years training with the Martial Arts Center for Health I lost thirty pounds, gained balance, strength and endurance. This has really helped me in my practice. As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I do a lot of specialized hands-on treatment to adjust the patient’s body. It’s physical work and now I find that I practice without feeling limited in how I am able to treat them, even seeing more patients and I don’t feel exhausted at the end of the day.

I’m also aware that my immune system is much stronger, I treat sick people all day, yet I am hardly ever out sick now. With the increased confidence I’ve seen through utilizing the knowledge and training at the Martial Arts Center for Health, I can diagnose more efficiently and find my treatments are even more effective. Therefore, patients benefit as well. They respond quickly and receive results for improved quality of life and overall wellness.

Over the last 16 years, I have referred many of my patients to the Martial Arts Center for Health and find that they are not only able to learn more about helping themselves physically but they are more responsive to my treatments. They seem to retain their health improvements gained through the work that they’ve done with me by applying what they’ve learned at the Martial Arts Center for Health.

Patricia S., AP, Dipl Ac, DOM

Specialist in Japanese Acupuncture and Meridian Therapy

As a Doctor of Chiropractic and member of MACH, I highly recommend people of all ages (kids, teens, adults and seniors) to consider training at this wonderful facility. They provide a safe and secure environment for women, children and men to learn how to improve their health and well being with a loving and respectful touch at your own pace.

I have been a student at MACH for over 15 years. As a Chiropractor when I observed the movements of the forms shown by the skilled instructors, I immediately realized that everything they teach is designed to improve one’s movement, overall health and well being with no stress to the body. That being said, all of the wonderful instructors encourage all members to be their best in a loving yet firm and respectful manner.

I have referred over 40 of my my patients to Martial Arts Center for Health over the years with great confidence. The instructors are great role models for children and adults who may have life challenges.

Neal W., DC, DCBCN



Thank you again for the wonderful Tai Chi introduction and demonstration for my Health Psychology class last night. The thoughtfulness you displayed in pulling in your specific members who have medical backgrounds to talk to my students was a wonderful component. The diversity in having an MD, a DO, and a psychiatrist was not lost on me. Thank you for that added touch… seeing three professionals demonstrate their martial arts skills was awesome. Truly, it was a lot of fun and a wonderful experience. I could hear the energy in my students’ voices…

It was a fantastic field trip, and it was perfect! I loved it! I’m sharing your praises to our HR director as a potential option for one of our faculty/staff wellness days.

Yvette S.

Advent Health University Professor

The instructor  from the Martial Arts Center for Health was a wonderful new addition to our Work Life Balance lunch and learn program. They brought a fantastic energy from the moment they walked in the door. They provided educational background on the benefits of martial arts and shared her personal story of finding martial arts as an outlet for health and healing. The instructor ended our program with demonstrations and moves that our associates could perform at home or at work to provide relief at any time. I would recommend the Martial Arts Center for Health, to any company who would like to introduce a new type of wellness to their employees.

Rosen Wellness Coordinator

The Martial Arts Center for Health has been a true blessing. As a Wellness Coordinator for an insurance firm, my role is to create wellness programs for our corporate clients to assist in improving the overall wellness of their employees.

Martial Arts Center for Health has done countless corporate events for us, such as health fairs, demonstrations and even tailoring corporate on-site programs for employees which has led to a more enriching and satisfying work environment. I would highly recommend Martial Arts Center for Health for anyone looking to offer wellness to their employees. The staff is amazing to work with and I am proud to call them our partner in health as they have been an integral part of wellness programs we put in place.

Melissa G.

Employee Benefits Wellness Coordinator


I trained at the Martial Arts Center for Health… as a teenager… Even though I had to move away for college and graduate school, the lessons I learned in those two years have helped me for the rest of my life. The principles of mindfulness and noncompetitive self improvement have helped improve every discipline I have attempted since then including both academic and physical pursuits. I have tried to bring the same mentality and mindful awareness to every discipline of movement I have attempted since, from running to swimming, biking or dance lessons.

Time and geography have taken me in some very different directions than my training days at the Martial Arts Center for Health, but nevertheless, the principles I learned still hold even if the details have changed. I’m very proud to say that I completed my very first ironman Triathlon last Sunday in Chattanooga TN! I just want to thank you all for being such a huge part of my life growing up and let you know that the martial arts training was tremendously helpful to me. I love you all and am very grateful for everything I’ve learned at the Martial Arts Center for Health.

Karen O.

I am beyond excited! Tomorrow I will be evaluating for my second degree black belt and I wanted to share a couple of things that I’ve discovered about myself. After 7 years of training at the Martial Arts Center for Health, I am still learning things about my body. As a child I could never sit cross legged and I put it down to being inflexible. Not so. I discovered last year that my L5 and S1 in my spine were fused since birth.

Today I was told by a physiotherapist that she was surprised that my body wasn’t more out of alignment, due to the fusion of these two vertebrae. I told her that I had been training at the Martial Arts Center for Health for 7 years and I explained to her a bit about what we do in our classes. She said that there was no doubt in her mind, that the training had corrected a lot of the alignment issues and problems I otherwise would have been experiencing. I might never be able to sit cross legged or execute a proper side kick, but I am amazed – on a daily basis, at what I CAN do! My other bit of good news was that 6 years ago, I had my first bone density scan and I was diagnosed as having osteopenia, a condition where the bone mineral density is lower than it should be. This was confirmed with a common test, which showed that I was losing bone. A few weeks ago, my doctor re ran that same test and I was told that I am no longer losing bone mineral (yaay!) and that in fact, my bones have GAINED density over the years. I am not taking any prescription drugs to correct this condition and as a woman entering the menopausal phase of her life, I once again truly believe it is due to good supplementation, nutrition and most importantly, my training at the Martial Arts Center for Health, where we use our own body weight to hold positions, thereby helping to strengthen and build our bones. As I look forward to the next milestone in my training, I am forever grateful for having stumbled upon this Central Florida gem all those years ago.

Miri H.

Four years ago I was pondering the thought of my son moving up from the Cub Scouts into the Boy Scouts and how I would be able to keep up with him. I was overweight at 277 lbs. and in poor physical condition. A knee injury in the past had affected my posture causing me pain in my back and an inability to jog or run. With that in mind I recalled 25 years ago the training I did in martial arts. I enjoyed the exercise and discipline however, I was looking for more. I was looking for a place that would not teach these techniques in a combat environment but rather an environment that would foster balance with mind and body to provide good health.

I decided to pursue martial art training as a way to achieve a goal of losing weight, physical fitness and a focused mind. After an exhaustive search I found a school that was a perfect fit, The Martial Arts Center for Health.

In three years I started to see improvements in myself. The pain in my back and joints disappeared and my posture is straight which has not happened in over 20 years. I no longer am out of breath doing the simplest of tasks and I can run again… very fast. I did a 10 mile hike with the Boy Scouts and the next day drove five hours on business with not even a hint of discomfort. I lost 80 lbs. this past year and am now 197 lbs.

I see situations and relationships in a clearer, calmer state of mind. My wife has noticed such a positive change that she has started training at the school as well. Another benefit that I did not expect is how much I was better prepared for the challenges of being a father to two teenagers. The quality of my professional life has greatly improved.

David L.

This place has changed my life! This is not a fight club – this school is unique!. The instructors are highly skilled, yet so caring about each and every one of their students. I was a late starter, yet in the 7 years since I first joined the school, I have gained so much confidence, my body is far stronger, I’m in much better physical shape than I was 20 years ago and to top it all, my husband and I have met some amazing people who have become life long friends.
This is the placed to be if you have weight issues, confidence issues or like so many out there, experiencing life’s challenges

Miriam H.

I have been training at the Martial Arts Center for Health for almost three years now. This place has become like family to me. The instructors and students are all great and welcome you with open arms. I have never seen a Martial Arts Center of this kind. They care about YOU! The instructors become one with the student. They keep reminding you of the goals you set and push you to reach that level.

Vijay G.

My daughter passed away on March 7th. She knew that I have always wanted to do Tai Chi. After her passing I was going through some papers and found a book I had bought some time ago on Tia Chi. Then, on my way to work one day, I finally noticed your sign on the building and went in.  I scheduled an hour class and was hooked and invited two of my friends to join me. I feel like my daughter led me to you all and I feel so much stronger and better able to handle her death and life itself. Thank you for the wonderful instructors and how they are so kind and encouraging. I truly feel like I’m in a safe place there.

Jackie W.

I was looking through some old pics and I wore the same shirt for Christmas last year, so I put the pictures side to side and it really surprised me. Sometimes I get frustrated because I feel like I haven’t made progress or think about how far I still have to go. But this is the first time I’ve been able to see the change in myself. I was in a bad place this time last year. I still have a long way to go but for the first time in so many years I feel like I’m facing this coming year moving FORWARD and not BACKWARD. MACH has played a big role in this shift and I’m so grateful!


I cannot say enough good things about this Center. This has been a life-altering experience for me. I have been attending classes for over a year now, and am extremely pleased with the level of professionalism and expertise of the owners and their employees. This is a great place to build your body, mind, and total balance in a non-competitive environment, while also relieving stress.

Nissim A.

Great instructors and environment. Has helped me immensely with back and flexibility issues. I highly recommend. Much more beneficial than going to a gym. A program I can follow as I age.

Scott M.

Words fall short but I’ll use them anyway. This center, with it’s wonderful instructors, has profoundly impacted the lives of my entire family in ways that are priceless! Specific to the kids program, my two children, over the past two and a half years, have been growing in the areas of concentration, respect, self control, physical fitness, awareness, self defense and more. I see these skills making positive changes in all aspects of their lives – (school, home, peers, with each other, etc). It is a safe environment for them to be themselves as they learn. They love each one of their instructors and view them, as well as their fellow students, as extended family and friends. I will not be taking them out of this program as long as they are minors under my care. There is so much wonderful growth and potential ahead for them – it is worth it!!

Linda R.

I found the Martial Arts Center for Health for my son, mainly for the NO contact rule. Being a single parent I knew he needed something. Well he received a whole lot more! He gained confidence, determination and respect for himself and others. While watching his body and mind change I decided that maybe I would try it out. Here it is 12+ years later and I continue to practice at MACH! At 57, I feel stronger, more confident, patient, loving and an awareness of myself that I have never had before. There is much more than martial arts too! There are seminars (beach seminars are the BEST!), events, demonstrations, picnics, workshops and precious friendships just to name a few. I recently attended a Healthy Habits Workshop where I am learning to maintain a healthy lifestyle by what I put into my body. The owners, Thomas & Eva Curtin and the Instructors truly care about each and every one of us. If you or someone you know is looking for a positive, caring environment to improve your health and so much more, I recommend the Martial Arts Center for Health!

Barbara C.

I LOVE this place! Great students, instructers, owners, Just people in general. Started going there after a nasty car accident. Its the only thing that makes me feel better, while loosing weight, staying fit and healthy. They’ve changed my life!

April S.

This center is not the common place. It is of fostering, patience, encouragement, growth, challenges and amazing people who support one another. You are not just another student, you are a precious project with your own unique abilities where our instructors formulate the best pathway for each individual. It is not an exaggeration to say this place is the springboard for all of my life’s challenges. My saving grace beyond the importance of meditation. They take it to new heights. My mind and body have been introduced to each other as if they never met. It’s beautiful. Thank you MACH!

Sandy E.

I have tried many exercise programs, joined gyms and health clubs and always have lost interest. This is my home away from home. New friends just like a family. Very caring and supportive instructors who really take the time to explain and work with us, as well as encouraging us to feel better, do better and never judgmental. The center is very comfortable and friendly. My husband who is 78 and I am 67 just joined 6 months ago and am finding a difference in our lives. We feel better, less achy and we just started this program. We expect to be doing this for a very long time and encourage anyone who wants to feel better and be healthier to call. Do it for yourself.

Joanne R.

The Martial Arts Center for Health is wonderful. Been coming for 2.5yrs now and I lost a total of 60lbs. Plus they helped ease my back and neck pain away. Caring instructors in a calming environment. A must for all seeking some tranquility in their lives.

Malaika O.

The Martial Arts Center for Health has been a life changer for my wife and me. When we started a couple of years ago we were both at a high stress level, not in the best of health and overweight. Our first visit was simply out of curiosity without any intention of joining. We took the free lesson and found that our curiosity had morphed into a desire to give this a try. We committed to 3 months with the understanding between the two of us that if we didn’t notice any real changes that we could just walk away. We knew we needed a little help to get our health on track but what we didn’t anticipate is that we got a LOT of help!

The benefits we have seen in the time we have been with Martial Arts Center for Health (MACH) include but are not limited to; weight loss, much improved cardiovascular endurance and noticeable increase in strength. In addition to the physical improvements, we also noticed a reduction in stress levels, improved confidence (that actually shows through success in our business affairs) and we have even been able to get off of medications that we had been on for years. When your doctor asks you; “What are you doing in your life that is causing these dramatic changes?” you know that you have found something that you want to stick with.

The owners, instructors and fellow students at MACH, we now consider ‘family’. There is no feeling of competition because the energy of support among us all is genuine. EVERYONE feels comfortable at their level and each person is taught to listen to their body as we go through the movements. The stories that are shared are amazing. Some have a history that would have kept a body down for life; broken backs, knee and hip surgeries, severe heart conditions and other debilitating illnesses.

We strongly recommend Martial Arts Center for Health to everyone we know and those who know us long enough are convinced because of the obvious changes in us. It was one of the best decisions we have ever made. We are now committed for life!

Warren B.

MACH is a great place to develop overall physical conditioning, balance, coordination, endurance and mental focus. The instructors meet with each student individually to determine their goals and learn about any physical limitations or conditions a student may have. MACH is a friendly, non-competitive school where the focus is directed at health. The owners, Thomas and Eva Curtin have created a beautiful space where anyone who is willing, regardless of their age or physical condition, can improve their health and have fun doing it. The roots of the martial arts traditions are respected yet facilitated for the 21st century. As an older student (age 57) who has never participated in martial arts I was concerned about my ability to do well but with the patience and encouragement of the instructors I have made excellent progress. Each week at MACH is new adventure and I’m never bored as the program is always changing. The instructors strive to educate the students about the forms they are learning so classes at MACH aren’t just about physical development but also a learning opportunity. They’re always offering to help students with any questions they may have and know how to help students move past their comfort zones in a safe manner. At the time I enrolled in MACH I had either stopped or greatly reduced the activities I had enjoyed in the past, including bike riding, hiking, swimming and landscaping due to joint pain I was experiencing and lack of endurance. I’m now back to doing the things I enjoy and don’t suffer from joint pain. Not only has my overall physical condition improved but I feel more confidence in my ability to take on new challenges.

Mike M.

I am a relatively new member of MACH, but I can already see remarkable changes in both my body and my ability to handle stress. The students and the instructors at MACH are so civil, thoughtful and kind that I quickly gave up competitiveness and self-judgment and surrendered to the exhilaration of surprisingly gentle yet challenging motion.  I have spent years doing (and overdoing) yoga,weights, running, tennis, and even biking. Kung Fu and Tai Chi represented a strange environment for me, one I suspected I would tire of quickly. Instead the community is so dedicated to your health and encouragement that, far from finding it either exotic or imposing, you will relax into its rhythms and wonder why you didn’t do this before.

Steve S.

Before finding this place my only stress reliever and weight control was the gym. There was a point that I hit a wall and did a personal trainer for a year and half then I hit another wall. My neighbor told me about this place and I FOUND GOLD! I’ve been coming here for  years now and have found a new place I call home. My initial goals were to control my weight and stress. I found that and so much more here! The instructors and the people who come here make the school special. If you’re looking for a new exercise routine or rehabilitating back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, or suffer from other health issues you can find an alternative solution here. Really recommend giving this place a shot. Ask for any of the instructors and they will take care of you!

Javier Y.

We at the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association, Inc. cannot thank you and the Martial Arts Center for Health enough for taking part in our annual Employee Health Fair! The event was an invigorating and educational experience for our staff, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Every day, the Legal Aid staff works to access justice for low-income clients in our community, often in high-stress positions. We heard many compliments from attendees about your interactive Tai Chi sessions, and your resources were very informative. This event helped give our amazing team a chance to refresh and recharge.

Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association, Inc.

Nothing short of amazing!! MACH has sincerely changed my life. It has been the absolute BEST investment I have ever made. When I came to MACH, I just moved to the area from Atlanta. The transition to Florida was difficult, however, being a part of this place made it much better.
I was not in a good place mentally, as I lost a dear family member around this time and I was physically, a worn down college athlete, with three major knee reconstruction surgeries. At only 30, I felt very hopeless in my ability to change things around, both mental and physical. What a time to find this awesome place!
The instructors are absolutely wonderful. They give so much support and confidence to every student. It feels so good to be in the presence of others who have taken the step to better their lives and the energies within them. It is so effective, I’ve begun to implement positive changes to my overall life as well as my body.
It is 100 percent, I’d almost say, the best physical therapy I’ve ever had. Not only has this place and it’s instructor’s shown me what mental and physical focus I was capable of, but what I would eventually achieve in that focus as well.
It’s never too early, it’s never too late to make great changes for your life. I couldn’t recommend a better way to start than here! Every class is a great workout of the body and mental focus. Scott and Eva are awesome instructors!! They work with everyone and have such a great energy. Thank you MACH, and to ALL instructors. A long physical /mental journey to go, but I am enjoying everything along the way with you guys!

Samantha O.

This is one of the best places in the United States to achieve overall health in mind and body. I’m in my early 20’s dealing with depression and anxiety, coming here everyday for 90 days was the best treatment I could have ever received. I’ve since moved around from Georgia to New York and can’t find a place like it. The environment, the staff, and teaching is priceless. I recommend and highly encourage all my friends, family, and even strangers in Central Florida to join and watch as practicing here at the Martial Arts Center for health will change your life for the better.

T. Ramos

Karen joined the Martial Arts Center for Health in 2000 at the age of 14 with an ambitious two year goal of reaching First Degree Black Belt. As you will soon learn, this young lady does not lack ambition . Karen’s remarkable scholastic achievements had earned her a full paid scholarship to medical school at NYU. Over the years Karen has stayed in contact with us and whenever she comes back to Florida she always drops in for class. She sent Tom & I this message on July 1st, 2016 and Tom felt it was imperative to share with everyone! Due to the current events taking place in our world we feel driven to educate more people in practical self defense. Help us reach more individuals so they have confidence instead of fear!

 “I had the most surreal experience today – an old guy just walked into the grocery store brandishing a large kitchen knife, wandered around looking at all of us.  He never said a word the entire time.  I was at the checkout counter, jumped to the employee side, and instantly recalled all of the knife defenses we did all those years ago at the Martial Arts Center for Health.  Mostly I just remembered the part that you should wrap your arms in something so you don’t get cut, so I grabbed a mat and started thinking through scenarios.  Fortunately the guy was finally herded out by store employees (shoving grocery carts at him), who then locked the doors after him and called 911. He did leave and was apprehended by the police a few blocks away.  Just wanted to share this with MACH because the first thing that went through my head was, “That is definitely not a rubber knife” and the second was, “I’m really glad it’s not a gun.”  Prepared or not, I was grateful that because the scenario wasn’t completely unfamiliar I didn’t freeze, but ended up getting into a somewhat more secure position.  I have never ever imagined being close to a situation in which I would need a knife defense, but I was really grateful first that it wasn’t necessary today, and second, that there was something in my head to draw upon.  Although my martial arts skills at this point are highly questionable, I do think that the more useful thing about having had training is that the situations I’ve been in feel “familiar”, so it helps to not freeze.  I’ve been in a few dicey situations late at night besides this, so I’m glad that at least I’m thinking about what to do (free my hands, run, call the police, throw my book bag at the suspicious person…).  I must say I think everyone should have a little bit of self-defense training just to help keep cool if they ever get in a situation.  I’ve been in a few (patient in the clinic pulled a knife on a clinician down the hall), and while I’ve never been directly threatened, I’m glad to at least think through the situation.  Now what I need is a “self-defense for clinicians” course which doesn’t involve anything that might harm the patient. I finished my PhD in May and just started clinic on Monday (to finish my third year of medical school)!”

Karen O.

I just wanted to say that my son Emilio and I really enjoyed class last night. Truly remarkable instructors and people. It gives us great joy to be a part of such a wonderful martial arts studio. We thank you for the wonderful explanations you give during our exercises and techniques, your patience and great attitude. God Bless you and everyone affiliated with the Martial Arts Center for Health and Wellness.

Greg V.

The instructors are patient, knowledgeable and focused on helping you get the maximum benefit for your body. These folks really know how the body works which I have never received going to a typical gym. In a little over 6 months by attending 3-4 times a week, I have been able to improve my strength, flexibility and I feel energized. It truly is a body, mind and spirit experience!

Kimberly W.

The Martial Arts Center is everything the gym isn’t and more. I have learned more about myself mentally and physically. I am mentally stronger, more confident and have improved focus. My balance, strength and flexibility have increased. The instructors are knowledgeable, humorous and always looking to help each individual improve at their own pace. I am thankful every day I had a friend refer me to MACH.

Michelle H.

I am a 68 year old great grandmother and I have been attending classes at the Martial Arts Center for Health for going on 3 years. I cannot say enough great things about the instructors, the training, the strength, balance, the emotional strength, the flexibility I have received from this training, the friends I have made and I could go on and on. I know that there have been several times that I have been able to keep myself from falling just from what I have learned and the strength I’ve developed . Everyone is encouraged to do the forms to their own ability-no judging. It is a safe place for anyone of any age to come and work on their health. Thank you MACH for being there especially when I needed it the most when my daughter passed away.

Jackie W.

I am having difficulty writing a review for the Martial Arts Center for Health and have been thinking about this for several months. There really are no words that can describe my experience when in the room with the students and amazing group of instructors. I’ll just start by saying I am a returning student and spent many years there before a series of events pulled me in another direction. I have been back for six months now. What I can tell you is this. I have no more pain. I can walk off a curb without turning to my side. I can jump in my car without thinking about how to do it. I have energy, I have focus, I sleep better, my stress level is at an all time low. I can get off the floor without help. (yes I was that weak)… the list of positives can go on forever. The energy, the instructors, the students, the support system all have made a tremendous difference in my life. I am so grateful I have found my way back to this amazing place. Without hesitation I know my life would have gone down a very difficult slope if my car did not drive me back where I belong. Much love and respect.

Kathleen B.

After my wife and I passed our evaluation for 3rd section at the Martial Arts Center for Health (MACH) yesterday, I reflected on where I was after my accident, where I am, and where I plan to be. We take so much for granted. We never know what we have until we don’t. We never understand what we can do until we can’t. The Lord works in many different ways with whom and when he introduces individuals into our lives. A big thank you to Warren and Prebble Bonett for introducing me to the Martial Arts Center for Health and the instructors. These instructors are beyond amazing, truly caring, understanding, patient and concerned about your wellness and well being. Am I pain free, no, not yet, but I can do so much more than what I could. My mental health, concentration, strength throughout my body and flexibility have all improved. And I swung a golf club the other day for the first time in 2 years, granted with a little fear and only several swings, but it’s a start back. With the continued help and attention from the Martial Arts Center for Health, I know I’ll be able to resume things that I was once able to do.

Anyone looking to improve their lives in the upcoming year, do yourself a favor and stop by the Martial Arts Center for Health in Altamonte Springs and listen to what they can help you with. It’s far and away more than what any gym has to offer and can do for you.

Todd S.

It is difficult for me to adequately describe how much of a positive impact the Martial Arts Center for Health has had on my life. About 18 months ago, I had surgery on my knee to repair a torn ACL and meniscus. I struggled with my recovery despite going to physical therapy. I found myself having great difficulty walking up and down stairs. I could not walk for fun any more and I would often be completely unable to walk without severe pain after a work shift.

In January, I joined the Martial Arts Center for Health to try to get my life back. Since the first day, I have felt welcomed by both the instructors and the other students. The classes are challenging but fun and rewarding. And, this past week, I was able to climb 115 feet worth of stairs to reach the top of the Mayan temple pictured. I would never have been able to do this without the help of my instructors. I have no doubt that they will be able to help me reach any goal I set for myself!

Jennifer H.

I’ve been going for nearly two years. It’s been a transformative journey of putting away traditional ways of exercise and thinking. I am opening my body and mind up to a better way and different approach to lifestyle and exercise as I grow older. I have better balance am more flexible and stronger not just physically but mentally…MACH us definitely an acquired taste and not for everyone. But if you are open to what they have to offer you won’t regret walking through their doors.

George D.

I’m forever grateful for the invitation to come to the Martial Arts Center for Health. It has been a life changing experience. I just finished up 6 months of training. In this short amount of time I feel as if I’m on the road of regaining control of my health, both physically and mentally. After spending many years in the gym and competing in body building, it has taken a toll on my body., causing a loss of flexibility and joint pain. But through the martial arts center for health training program, I have experienced amazing transformation. In six months, I have lost 12 lbs, regained flexibility and have energy like never before. The instructors are GREAT. They have a genuine interest in your well being and you can’t help but see the passion they have for helping and serving others. They are always encouraging you to come, so that you can get the most out of the program. I’m 55 year of age and would never have thought that I could get so much out of this type of training. This place is AMAZING and I look forward to experiencing the benefits that will come as I continue on this journey. I’m forever grateful for my buddy JT’s invite and for the encouragement and commitment of the instructors. Thank you ALL!

Cliff B.

I have been in several “workout” venues where the program took me just so far. But in my 49 years of living I cannot think of a time or place where I have been not only challenged but completely motivated to far exceed my own expectations of myself. I am a marathon runner and I have never felt THIS GOOD in my body, mind & spirit like I do here at Martial Arts Center for Health. I have lost several inches and sizes since I began only a couple of months ago, and I am eating! My family life has completely turned around, and we as a unit are feeling happier and more blessed than ever. I can hardly believe the care and compassion WITHOUT judgement that I feel and now give to myself because of attending this amazing center. The instructors are of a quality that is unmatched around our country and I am so humbled and thankful to be a part of such an amazing community of people with immeasurable great qualities! I feel as though I’m being nurtured in such a positive OCEAN of a mental, spiritual and physical atmosphere, and I am setting goals and achieving them every time I am there and it feels so good! I am believing in myself as I never have and I know if I make it through the doors they will be there ready to come along and help take me where I want to go. Thank you all so very much for giving your lives to those who desire to learn and grow and thrive!

Kristina W.

My husband and I started going to the MACH a year ago. The strength, balance and friendships we have built is amazing. I have always had low back pain, especially when doing strenuous tasks. Well last weekend I pressure washed the entire pool area, driveway and sidewalks with no back pain. This is amazing to me! Thank you to our MACH family!

Darlene S.

I have been attending the Martial Arts Center for Health for 4 months now and I love it! The approach is truly centered on health. I have been a dancer/choreographer since I was 8 years old, (42 years) and I was looking for something to transition to at this stage in my life when I need to be careful not to be injured and still maintain an active lifestyle. I am happy to have found a movement practice that is so aligned with health. The movement/exercises/forms that we learn help improve strength, flexibility and clearness of mind and focus. The martial arts forms (Chi Gung, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, etc) are inherently good for the body and include practices that improve health from the inside out, including memory, breath, strength and flexibility. I love the incorporation of hands and eyes in some of the forms as well – nothing is left forgotten. And the added bonus is that we are learning self-defense techniques along the way!

The instructors are kind, knowledgeable and clearly have an interest in preventing injury and helping each person progress individually at their own level and pace. Another aspect I appreciate is that there are people of all ages, sizes and abilities who attend the classes there. Everyone is friendly, welcoming and encouraging with one another; and the center is a beautiful environment to be in.

You are given an initial free private consultation that allows you to try movement with an instructor one-on-one and if you decide to join, you are able to attend as many classes as you’d like for a monthly fee. But the one-on-one assistance from the instructors does not end there … they are available for help before and after classes and they schedule short private appointments with each person regularly to check in, help you with movement and address any particular concerns.
Whether your focus is self-defense or improving your health, the MACH is a perfect fit! I highly recommend it!

Smruti J.

My daughter and I started going to the MACH back in July 2017. We both had gained a lot of flexibility, balance, strength and gained a lot of confidence. We enjoined being around the staff and students. No more shoulder blade pains, and we are looking forward to go to our class in daily basis. I was looking for a place like this free of judgments and where everybody is at the own level…

Lilly U.

The community at Martial Arts Center for Health (MACH) is inspiring. There are students of all ages, walks of life, and levels of skill. The instructors are a very supportive and encouraging team. I have never once felt like I’ve been talked down to or treated differently because I’m not as good as others. The environment is peaceful and the positive energy envelopes anyone who enters. Every success is celebrated and other students are supportive in your quest to improve. Unlike going to a traditional gym the workouts at MACH are gentle to the body but produce amazing results including an increase in strength, balance, and concentration. If traditional gyms have not worked for you MACH may be the alternative you are looking for.

Lynn W.

Thanks for the great instruction and support that you are offering through the Martial Arts Center for Health. It truly has changed my life and has given me better health, better focus, more confidence, and a place to feel comfortable and take care of my health.

Tim H.

As an update one year later, I have lost 25 pounds no longer required to take blood pressure medication which is extraordinarily prevalent in my family. I’m still prone to it if my body is under unusual stress like a recent vertigo episode. Once the vertigo left, my blood pressure went back normal of course! That could have happened to anyone!

My Lupus flare-ups are now rare and minimal – especially with a huge reduction of the chronic fatigue associated with it ( I’m still able to attend class on an occasional “so-so day”) In contrast, my fatigue used to put me out for days!
Also, My body is better conditioned today than it was 20 years ago when I worked out regularly at the gym at the age of 25! I’m not claiming this pathway is a magic bullet. It takes a love for the activity and a lot of hard work. I fit it into my schedule 5 days a week as a single mom! Its in my routine as concrete as a job and cooking dinners. No room for excuses in my life. The money Im saving in health costs alone is worth my investment of time and tuition.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be involved with martial arts. Someone else set up an appointment for me for my birthday! I wasn’t looking for this at all!
Once you see a free demonstration from one of our masterful instructors who are always willing to share (and by the way they are ALL compassionate, kind and sooo funny! Lots of laughter in this space), that will be the moment when you say to yourself…
“That is too cool for words and I want to do that too”.
There is nothing to lose when our instructors will meet with you for free. It makes for a unique birthday gift, thats for sure! In my case, a life long gift I will be forever grateful for. (Disclosure: If I sound like Im in the sales industry, be assured I am not. This is MY heart felt testimony that describes only my experience. Many more people need this, they just don’t know it yet.)

Sandy E.

MACH is a great place to develop overall physical conditioning, balance, coordination, endurance and mental focus. The instructors meet with each student individually to determine their goals and learn about any physical limitations or conditions a student may have. MACH is a friendly, non-competitive school where the focus is directed at health. The owners, Thomas and Eva Curtin have created a beautiful space where anyone who is willing, regardless of their age or physical condition, can improve their health and have fun doing it. The roots of the martial arts traditions are respected yet facilitated for the 21st century. As an older student (age 57) who has never participated in martial arts I was concerned about my ability to do well but with the patience and encouragement of the instructors I have made excellent progress. Each week at MACH is new adventure and I’m never bored as the program is always changing. The instructors strive to educate the students about the forms they are learning so classes at MACH aren’t just about physical development but also a learning opportunity. They’re always offering to help students with any questions they may have and know how to help students move past their comfort zones in a safe manner. At the time I enrolled in MACH I had either stopped or greatly reduced the activities I had enjoyed in the past, including bike riding, hiking, swimming and landscaping due to joint pain I was experiencing and lack of endurance. I’m now back to doing the things I enjoy and don’t suffer from joint pain. Not only has my overall physical condition improved but I feel more confidence in my ability to take on new challenges.

Mike M.

MACH is a one-of-a-kind Martial Arts Center. The instructors are kind, friendly, patient, very knowledgeable and non-judgmental. The studio is beautiful and peaceful. But the icing on the cake is the results! After all, that is what we are seeking. I started with MACH only 2 months ago, participating 3 – 4x a week in their Introductory Program. This past weekend, while celebrating my little grandson’s birthday, I found myself sitting on the floor playing with him – with no support; and getting up from the floor with very little effort (even while holding the baby!). I didn’t even realize it until later . . .but I didn’t need any kind of support to lean against at all – – which has not happened for several years. I was using my own body strength easily, effortless and without even thinking about it! After only 2 months! I just joined their Complete Health Program and cannot wait to experience the improvements coming my way!! Thank you MACH!!!

Vicki K.

Dear Mr. Curtin,

This letter serves to extend our appreciation for the wellness services the Martial Arts Center for Health has been providing the City of Maitland when teaching Tai Chi to our employees over these past three (3) years.

Employees that attend the Tai Chi classes thoroughly enjoy them and look forward to having trainers from the Center back throughout the year. All the instructors have been patient and have taken the time to teach employees not only the series of movements which are performed in a slow, focused manner but also the deep breathing techniques, and the meditative benefits of the practice.

Instructors have also been able to show our employees different movements and techniques of the practice that can be performed while at work. The most important thing, however, is that while employees are focused on following the different Tai Chi routines, they are focused on themselves and not thinking about work at all.

Thank you for the wonderful trainings the Martial Arts Center for Health has provided to the City of Maitland, and we continue to look forward to having you back in future years.

Best Regards,

Rachelle Mercado

Human Resources Specialist

City of Maitland

It has only been 5 days and I already love this place! I finally found a place that I am motivated to get to instead of dreading or forcing myself to go to! On the contrary, I don’t want to miss a day! Thank you Martial Arts Center for Health!

Charlotte P.

I highly recommend Martial Arts Center for Health! We recently attended their self-defense class and learned so much. My sister and two nieces were so happy that they could attend.

Wendy F.

I am so happy to discover the Martial Arts Center for Health. Its the best find of my life!! I’m recovering from a serious injury to my back, SI joint, & tailbone. The private lessons are the biggest turning point in my recovery. Every movement is tailored just for me. For the first time in a long time, I feel capable in my body. In 5 lessons, the stuff I’m doing… I can’t believe it! The progress blows my mind. Recommend them? YES!!!

Emily G.

Timing is important for this, I say, since I just celebrated my 3 year anniversary since joining the Martial Arts Center for Health in August 2016.
In my line of work dealing with management of risks, metrics play a key role, since one can measure and compare a scenario from an existing or starting point, if you will, to a point in time forward when you decide to re-measure or compare the “before” to the “after”.
When I joined MACH 3 years ago, I did so because my overall health, physical and mental, was not good. I was obese, with very limited range of motion, poor balance and, very limited stamina. These issues coupled with a stressful job managing others, was really taking a toll on my physical and mental health. Even though I joined MACH, I did not envision much would change for my physical or, mental health. But, I was wrong to doubt that my overall health could change for the better.
I do admit that it took a leap of faith and commitment on my part, mentally and physically, before I began to recognize how out of shape I was and how long I had allowed myself to look the other way. I once heard someone state that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expect a different result. Well, in my case that was true, until the day came when I decided to reconnect and reacquaint myself with my body (and limitations). This is precisely where the instructors at the Martial Arts Center for Health, took on a very special role in my journey back to becoming a healthier me.  In total I have lost 30+ pounds, increased my energy and stamina tremendously, and equally important, re-discovered confidence in me that I had lost a long time ago.
Don’t get me wrong, this requires a renewed commitment to participate in the classes, daily for some, for me 2-3 times a week has become doable and an enjoyable time that I set aside to help myself mentally and physically. After all, what could be more important!?
So, thank you, the Martial Arts Center for Health Team, for not giving up on me. I am looking forward to the 6th Section Evaluation on October 5th!!
Tony P.

I learned about how wonderful this place is from friend of mine that’s been going to the Martial Arts Center for Health for many years and really benefited a lot from it. I was going through a difficult time in my life and thought this might be a good way to help me get through it. That ended up being one of the best decisions I could have made! The atmosphere here is very friendly and welcoming. It’s been great learning a different way to improve my health and with people I now call my friends. The instructors do their best to give you lots of individual attention to put you at ease and as you learn all the variations of the martial arts they teach. I’ve been here almost a year and my body is a lot more toned and stronger. This is the most optimal place to care of yourself in all aspects. I feel like this the best preventative care for me as I age. It really is a center for health. I wish I would have started here a long time ago. Even though I’m a very health oriented person, it’s taken that to a whole new level.  The variety of what they teach is way beyond what I expected and I love it all! I go almost daily. As an entrepreneur for over 20 years with a busy and varied schedule I like the multiple class times and feel this is the best medicine to manage stress. I really enjoy the people who come here and along with the exercise, I have made a lot of friends.

If you’re looking for a nice addition to your life and you’re considering martial arts, please give it a try! You’ll be glad you did!

Janet M.

I was surprised at how effective the techniques were. A lot of the movements I learned were simple but effective. All I had to do to prove that the movements were effective was to gently tap my own face. I know I would be safe walking around  by myself. I have the confidence to go out when and where I want. It made me more aware of my surroundings. Everyone had fun learning the techniques together. Our group had fun on the punching bag.  The teachers explained the techniques clearly and safely.

Susan W. -Self Defense Workshop

 I have been going to the Martial Arts Center for Health for about nine months. I was nervous about learning martial arts because of many serious injuries that I sustained in a car accident. These injuries included becoming easily fatigued, muscle weakness and poor balance.

My private instructor developed a lesson plan that was made just for me.  The lessons have helped me overcome my limitations.  After a few lessons of learning moves and holding the positions I became stronger and improved my balance. I have better posture and I can now stand up straight.

The most important thing I have achieved at the Martial Arts Center for Health is a huge increase in my self confidence.

Bill R. -Private Lessons

I have been going to the Martial Arts Center for Health for about 4 months. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2009, and my doctors have all said I should be doing physical exercise, especially weight bearing exercise. I have never been able to stick to an exercise program in my life. Either I got bored within weeks or I would injure myself by being over enthusiastic. But I absolutely love this place! The instructors are knowledgeable, caring, and enthusiastic. The program challenges my body and my mind, and I leave every class loving it more each time. The one-on-one attention you receive from all the instructors is unprecedented, and the program is easily adapted to each participant. The studio is beautiful and welcoming, the other students are friendly and helpful, and there are so many people here who have been going for years and years. This is a testament to the success of this program and the kind and wonderful people who work here. I hope to be a member for years to come.

Kristie B.

Can’t say enough good things about the Martial Arts Center for Health. I joined to rehab my knee from a torn ACL but I found their program went well beyond that…. I have increased my flexibility, strength and balance in an amazing environment since joining seven months or so ago! My knee is better than ever and highly recommend the Martial Arts Center for Health.

Tony G.

Kids’ Class !!! My 9 year old son has been studying martial arts at the Martial Arts Center for Health for about 9 months. He is hooked and recently told me that he wants to “dive deep” into his martial arts training with the Martial Arts Center for Health. The kids’ classes at MACH are invaluable! I particularly appreciate the mutual respect between instructors and students at MACH and also the fact that there is a strong focus on safety, education, health and self-defense without aggression. Instructors and students demonstrate respect, dignity and humility while at the same time the students gain a sense of self worth, build strength and skill and learn how to fend for themselves. Let me offer my son’s perspective in his own words: “I really like the form and how it’s connected to the body; each movement that you do is connected to the body in some different way. We learn all about the bones and the organs and we learn about muscles and the anatomy. We learn different things about breathing. Before each class we sit and breathe, then we have a warm up, we learn kicks and blocks … I’ve gotten much better reflexes for sure, because he challenges us. He would never actually hit us but with the tip of the pad, he goes for our face, and we have to block up or block down or block back because sometimes he circles around us and we have to just stay in one place. If you can’t do something at first, it’s OK, you learn. They build you up mentally and make you stronger.” When I was looking for a place for my son to study martial arts, I was particularly interested in a place where I knew he would be safe, he would be treated with kindness and respect and he would learn discipline and self-defense without being taught to be angry or aggressive. I found the place. I recommend The Martial Arts Center for Health without reservation for adults and children!

Smruti J.

I went to my primary care doctor yesterday for a 90 day blood test and check up. He was impressed with the blood work results. Especially the kidney function numbers along with me having the lowest cholesterol and triglycerides in 17 years. He was impressed and I was 199 pounds down from 221 from when I started. I am excited and psyched and looking forward to practicing between now and our next session and I look forward to our next session. I feel like I’m aging in reverse. Thank you for your time each week and your patience. You are amazing and awesome.

Marc G.

I have been going to the Martial Arts Center for Health (MACH) since September of 2014.  I have experienced significant changes physically and mentally during that time.  Never is that so apparent to me then when I am injured or sick.  Recently I, like so many others, contracted Covid-19.  My nearly two week ordeal left me listless, with respiratory issues and a lingering cough.  Here is where the owner and instructors separate themselves from other martial arts schools, gyms, personal trainers or anyone else in the “health industry”.   I was asked to consider taking private lessons for a period of time in order to properly focus on my recuperation.  My first thought was, “wouldn’t just coming back to class be adequate recuperation?” and then I realized that the answer was No. The reason being I had specific issues that had to be specifically addressed with correct breathing techniques called Qi Gong and correct movements and maybe even more importantly, the correct amount of those movements.  I accepted the offer because I wanted to regain my health.  During that time,  I focused on what I was being taught and was consistent with my exercises.  My improvement was obvious to both me and to the instructor.  Even after my series of private lessons ended, I continued with my specific routine because it worked so well that I didn’t want to stop.  Bottom line is, even after almost 8 years of attending the Martial Arts Center for Health, I am always surprised at the depth of knowledge that exists there.  It comes to you as needed and when you are ready to receive it.  I recommend anyone looking for a special place to get healthy, learn, be around positive people and never be bored to consider coming in to the Martial Arts Center for Health.   It is not hyperbolic to say my life changed for the better when I became a student. 

Warren B.