Styles and Benefits

Discover martial arts with our unique philosophy. A complete system proven to give your body what it needs to improve your health and wellness. Society is going through a time where individuals need to take their health into their own hands. No one wants to spend their life trying to fix a broken body as the aging process occurs. We believe one must work with nature not against it and accept the aging process, not fear it. Click here to see doctor testimonials. 

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Our introduction to the fundamentals provides students with techniques to develop mindful breathing, release stress and build a fully conditioned body. We introduce your body to stretching, strength building, flexibility, and balance movements.

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Tai Chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched.

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Kung Fu is not new. In fact it is ancient. When people think about Kung Fu they often picture high kicks or acrobatic forms but that is only one aspect of Kung Fu. There are also many styles of Kung Fu that are low impact.

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Leg strength, upper body conditioning, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous system, immune system function are all health benefits received from Bagua practice.

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We teach practical self defense in a safe non-competitive environment. Our belief is that 90% of self-defense is awareness, risk reduction, and avoiding confrontation; and only 10% is physical; and focusing on both mental and physical preparedness gives individuals what they need to feel confident in their daily lives.

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This is a proven meditation technique which helps to quiet the mind, improve the function of organs, build energy while reducing stress and improves overall health and well being.

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Type A personality and workaholic lifestyle? Open your mind to meditation. Studies show that meditation not only lowers blood pressure but also can amp up your immune system while improving your ability to concentrate.

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All movements are health focused and a great alternative to yoga, CrossFit, Boot Camp and the gym. Our time-tested movements have been proven to work. Since 1992 we have been teaching Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Bagua and Qigong to the city of Orlando.